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规则覆核委员会诚邀各界就修订D .的建议提出意见.C. 规则1.8(d)

October 20, 2023

哥伦比亚特区澳博app职业行为规则审查委员会正在征求对D.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 1.第8条,这将扩大特区对禁止澳博app在代表与预期或未决诉讼或行政诉讼有关的客户时提供或保证财务援助的一般规则的现有例外情况.

Comments are due by close of business on Monday, December 18, 2023.

Summary of Recommendation

由于最近对ABA模型规则1的修订.以及采纳纽约的“人道主义例外”,规则覆核委员会建议修订D.C. 规则1.澄清和详细说明可能向在该区接受无偿法律服务的贫困客户提供的财政援助,以及可能提供这种援助的限制.

In addition to the two existing exceptions to D.C. 规则1.8(d)允许澳博app在有限的情况下预支或保证向委托人提供经济援助, 拟议的修正案将特别允许澳博app为隶属于非营利或政府资助的法律服务组织的贫困客户提供经济援助, a public interest organization, or a law school clinic, or is providing legal services pro bono.

Pursuant to the new exception, prior to providing such assistance, 澳博app必须书面同意客户不收取任何适用的收费转移法规规定的费用, and such a lawyer also may not: (1) promise, 确保, or imply the availability of such financial assistance prior to retention or as an inducement to continue the client–lawyer relationship after retention; (2) seek reimbursement from the client, a relative of the client, or anyone affiliated with the client; or (3) publicize or advertise a willingness to provide such financial assistance to prospective clients.

Committee Report and Process

委员会的“建议修改D .的报告草案”.C. 规则1.8(d)(人道主义例外)(2023年10月)” 在这里.

Comments must be in writing. 委员会的意图是,任何未来的出版物引用收到的回应此请求的意见,将不包括识别评论的细节, 无论反馈是以个人身份提交的,还是代表一个团体或组织提交的.

书面意见应通过电子邮件提交至 [email protected] (注意:职业行为规则审查委员会)不迟于COB, 2023年12月18日星期一.

D.C. 澳博app协会职业行为规则审查委员会考虑对规则的潜在修改. 委员会的最终建议将提交给澳博app协会理事会, 由委员会决定是否将这些建议转交给委员会.C. Court of Appeals for its consideration. 《澳博app下载网》的修改和附带的评论只能由上诉法院提出.


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